This page updates the status of the Taliban and by implication, what may be going on with bin Laden and what is left of al Qa'ida. We report original quotes from the front page article of the 17-23 April 2009 edition of The Guardian Weekly."
Individual |
Yousaf Gilani
Prime Minister
[The new law] "has the support of the nation."
Javed Almed Shopkeeper |
"As long as there is peace, it doesn't matter what the law is; if sharia law can do that, that's just fine."
Ayesha Khan,
Women's right activist
"The government has officially accepted Taliban rule in Swat. How can this regulation bring peace, hope, and real justice if you don't have even your basic rights? People may be happy today, but they are going to regret it."
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, April 18, 2009.
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"Shocking revelation: Santa Clara University professor mirrors famous torture study"
Editor's Forward:
Many think
Stanley Milgram was denied tenure at Yale because of his controversial studies into human nature. He found most ordinary people will inflict severe electric shocks to another person in response to an authority figure having no more "real authority" than a white coat in a formal setting. Jerry M. Burger of Santa Clara University has replicated the essential features of Milgram's classic work with essentially identical results.
Excerpts from
Mercury News - 12/21/2008
By Lisa M. Krieger
"Replicating" [reproducing] "one of the most controversial behavioral experiments in history, a Santa Clara University psychologist has found that people will follow orders from an authority figure to administer what they believe are painful electric shocks.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Friday, December 26, 2008.
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Joe Conason,
Book Review With Commentary
Insights upon insights are among the offerings of this gifted writer. In this, his fourth major book on contemporary American politics, Conason essentially indicts the Bush/Cheney Administration of
fascism; the very kind predicted by Sinclair Lewis in "
It Can't Happen Here" 1935:
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross." |
Posted by RoadToPeace on Wednesday, May 23, 2007.
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Republican Party Hijacked Without Rank-And-File Consent.
Conservatives Without Conscience, by John Dean, and
The Authoritarian Specter, by Bob Altemeyer and information each references.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, February 10, 2007.
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Unique Experiments that Illuminated Our True Human Natures.
Stanley Milgram
Book Review With Commentary
Reviewed by Harry Rosenberg.
If there is a kernel to the story of violence in American culture, this book is that kernel. Milgram adds magnificently to the pioneering work of Adorno et al on the
Authoritarian Personality. Milgram details his many rigorous experiments, and interprets them relentlessly.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Monday, February 05, 2007.
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The following excerpt is from Lawrence W Britt: Free Inquiry magazine, vol 23 No 2.
Britt nicely summarizes 14 distinguishing features of Fascist regimes. Some are all too familiar in 21st century democracies.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, December 09, 2006.
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Updated: 01 Jan 2009
John Dean of the Nixon Administration and Watergate fame
Book Review with commentary
We quote from
Publisher's Weekly
"Few critics have as effectively put the disparate pieces together, linking them to what Dean says is a broader pattern of secrecy from an administration that does its best to control the flow of information on every subject ... and uses executive privilege to circumvent congressional scrutiny."
See also:
John Dean's own remarks on this.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Wednesday, September 20, 2006.
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Updated 7 April 2010
Identifying the Psychological Traits
Published 1996
Bob Altemeyer
Book Review with commentary: Updated 15 Jan 2008
Bob Altemeyer, is both daring and credible. He is an Associate Professor of Psychology at University of Manitoba. His professional focus is the social psychology of authoritarian personalities; it is his specialty. Unlike the Freudians and political pundits, his calling is to understand and define the personality itself in scientific terms.
Toward that end he finds that three basic traits explain the behaviors authoritarians exhibit: Submission, Aggression, and Conventionalism. Readers should carefully note his definitions of each before drawing conclusions of their own.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Friday, September 08, 2006.
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How the Religious Right Destroys Christianity and Promotes Prejudice and Hate.
Dan Wakefield
Book Review with commentary
This book might also carry the title "WAKE UP AMERICA" as it reveals the hidden-in-plain-sight right-wing strategy to dominate the world.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Thursday, April 27, 2006.
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Kris Rosenberg
[Once Again Kris Rosenberg paints vivid pictures illustrative of something wrong in the world. Her anecdotes took life in America, but the personality features she draws can occur in any culture. Where America differs from other cultures lies in the degrees by which extremism is fostered. In two situations, Kris shows how extremism can take over in family units. It is not that different in societies at large. Her rendering is from the female point of view, but the basic problems exhibited by males appear in their female counterparts in varying degrees. Ed.]
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, January 28, 2006.
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Its the intent, not the content.
Hitler developed propaganda into a fine art. That is not to say he did not have instruction; he did in the battlefields of WWI. And now we are going him one better.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Monday, December 12, 2005.
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In forcing the Russians to withdraw in 1989, the Afghans became the heroes of many in Islam. The subsequent civil war saw the fundamentalist
(Deobandi) Taliban emerge and take power.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, November 26, 2005.
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Abomination seems a word not strong enough to describe Racism, the practice of discrimination, segregation, persecution, or dominance based on race.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, November 26, 2005.
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If you have bought into the claim that pacifists are identical to passivists, you are not alone.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, November 26, 2005.
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Until American society seriously addresses the roots of violence, we can be sure our authoritarian natures will reflect poorly on our society. We are not different in such expressions, others can be worse, as the African and Asian genocides prove. But as the only superpower, we have some responsibility to lead the world in peace, not in violence. Yet we allow
Lucifer to guide our destiny.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, November 26, 2005.
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"Philosophers and theologians have yet to learn that a physical fact is as sacred as a moral principle" -- J. Louis Agassiz
Agassiz was a famous 19th century geologist who helped found earth science.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, August 27, 2005.
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How Extreme Authoritarian Personalities Contribute to Terrorism.
Updated 22 Jan 2009
The basic causes of violence and war seem to arise from our genes. Most species will fight other species when threatened. They also fight among themselves over territory, food supplies, mates. Humans are not different in these tendencies. Civilization arose because humans finally figured out better ways to grow and store food, how to domesticate plants and animals. The rise of civilization carried with it all the genetic armor developed in the jungles and savannas. And this gave us a problem.
Our intellectual mastery over nature, was not accompanied by an equivalent mastery over ourselves. |
Posted by RoadToPeace on Sunday, August 21, 2005.
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Causes of Terrorism
As ghastly as terrorists have been and still are, we will err in our strategy against them if we do not account for their humanity and how they develop their inhumanity. Books detailed enough to understand something of the psychology of practicing terrorists are all too few.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Sunday, August 21, 2005.
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"We're never going to be able to solve the problem of terrorism unless we understand and try to deal with some of the reasons that turn particularly young, impressionable people to support extremist organizations."
Dame Stella Rimington -- Director-General: M15
Posted by RoadToPeace on Friday, August 19, 2005.
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Also Known as Special Interests or Welfare for the Rich-American Style
See also:
How it works is this:
- Forget job creation or job security.
Forget capital formation.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Friday, August 19, 2005.
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Causes of Terrorism
The contents of this page have been
Posted by RoadToPeace on Tuesday, August 02, 2005.
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A Basic Cause of Terrorism
[Jungle/Savanna Heritage Roots]
"When the nations on this planet fight for existence-when the question of destiny, 'to be or not to be,' cries out for a solution-then all considerations of humanitarianism or aesthetics crumble into nothingness; for all these concepts do not float about in the ether, they arise from man's imagination and are bound up with man." Adolph Hitler
Posted by RoadToPeace on Wednesday, July 20, 2005.
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Jessica Stern
Book Review With Commentary
By Harry Rosenberg
Terror in the Name of God by Jessica Stern is a must read by anyone who cares about the future of humanity. Any scholar of terrorism will find new information from the terrorists themselves.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Wednesday, July 20, 2005.
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Fundamentals of Extremism -- The Christian Right in America
Editor: Kimberly Blaker
Book Review
This collaborative review misses hardly a descriptive trick. It is an excellent review of events spawned by extremist behavior.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Wednesday, July 20, 2005.
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The Authoritarian Personality
Theodor Adorno et al 1950
Book Review With Commentary
Theodor Adorno, along with Else Frenkel-Brunswick, Daniel Levinson, and R. Nevitt Sanford, produced a monumental work that illustrated why ordinary Germans were so caught up in Nazi anti-semitism and racism during WWII.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Wednesday, July 20, 2005.
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Extremism is the real enemy of our times, and it is the enemy of all peoples.
Posted by RoadToPeace on Saturday, July 16, 2005.
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